Here’s an example where we have scheduled a reboot. For example if you put “2” instead of 30 then you would shut down the Mac in 2 minutes.

– as134_user3693277 Aug 23 '19 at 17:08 How to Stop Your MacOS From Reopening Apps After a Reboot or a Crash. Use a shutdown command that starts like this sudo shutdown (and other parameters) then enter the password of the administrative account that you're using. This is because the shutdown command can be run only by the root user or by an administrator user with root user privileges. Replace username with the username you'd use to log into OS X and remote-address with the IP address given to you in the Sharing pane.

Since upgrading to Mac OS X 10.9 I’ve experienced the problem other people have reported, where their Mac won’t shutdown, or shuts down very slowly. Open ~/.bash_aliases for editing.

sudo shutdown -r now Most Wanted Operating System Tips & Tricks Click on the below icons to stay updated with the latest tips, tricks and hacks on Windows, Linux and Mac operating system. Question: Q: sudo shutdown -r now = Fail on two servers I am running two servers OS X 10.8.5 Server version 2.2.2.

The shutdown command has been around since the earliest days of Mac OS X and still exists in Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, and Yosemite, Sierra, Mojave, onward. To Reboot Mac OS using Command line type below Command in Command Line, sudo shutdown -r now.

sudo reboot - does that not restart the mac ? You will be able to make a choice in 60 seconds after 60 seconds system will shut down automatically. The sudo (superuser do) command, by default, gives you superuser security privileges. Video Showing how to solve issue Mac stuck while shutting down or restarting: If the shutdown command is executed after the file transfer, then of course it's going to ask for the 'sudo' password then.

$ sudo shutdown -r now ターミナルの画面上ではこんな感じで書きます。 コードを入力してEnterを押すと、パスワードの入力を求められるので、Macのログイン時のパスワードを入力して再度Enterを押しま … Replace “30” with any other number of minutes to shut down the Mac in that amount of time. One is a MacMini 2012 with software raid 1 and the Other MacPro 2012, with raid card raid 5 and 8GB ram.

nano ~/.bash_aliases Insert the following line at the end of the file: alias shutdown='sudo shutdown now' Finally, load the changes to the .bash_aliases file... source ~/.bash_aliases Try it out! To log into your Mac on another Mac, execute the command: ssh -l username remote-address. Enter Recovery Mode by holding Command and R while booting, go to disk Utility and run Repair disk, or First Aid to the hard drive.

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