The original SRAM 1x-specific group — XX1 — launched in 2012. Both GX and XX1 Eagle are 12-speed, 1x drivetrains. Comparing GX 11-Speed to GX Eagle 12-Speed. The SRAM GX Eagle groupset is a worthy contender to Shimano’s XT, offering similar performance to 12-speed options. Just a year after XX1 and X01 Eagle debuted, GX Eagle started popping up on bikes and in stores. Orders $100+ ship free! The addition of the GX Eagle group brings 1×12 range and performance in a package that is functional, aesthetically pleasing, and very reasonably priced. The Eagle GX drivetrain is designed for Sram XD hubs and has a 10-50 cassette 500% range. That's a little disappointing when compared to Shimano as you can get their new SLX 12 speed cassette for around $100 compared to the normal retail for GX Eagle of $225. 10-50t:10,12,14,16,18,21,24,28,32,36,42,50. Sram XG-1275 GX Eagle Cassette, 10-50t 12-speed for sale at The Colorado Cyclist. The video provides the complete overview, but here’s the nutshell bullet point version of how each SRAM Eagle component improves as you go from NX to GX to X01 to XX1: SRAM Eagle Cranks Comparison All Eagle cranks now come with their DUB spindle and direct-mount chainrings, which have X-Sync tooth profiles optimized for the 12-speed chain. The chain is the heart of the Eagle 1x12 drive train, ensuring quiet operation, long life and precise shifting. It took SRAM another three years to release the midrange GX equivalent, so the quick turnaround on GX Eagle came as a surprise. Similarities. Mick Kirkman / Immediate Media. I do think that the wider range of the of the 10-50 cassette is worth paying more. 10-42t:10,12,14,16,18,21,24,28,32,36,42. SRAM’s Eagle drivetrains have evolved the 1x movement from the realm of tinkerers to the forefront of component tech. Technology (Cassette) 10-24t:10,12,14,16,18,21,24.

The GX Eagle cassette utilizes Full Pin technology that uses stamped steel cogs held together with high-strength stainless steel pins. Cassette Cogs: 11-13-15-17-19-21-24-28-32-36-42-50; Drivetrain Speeds: 12; Range: 11-50; Weight: 586g; SRAM GX Eagle Hollow Pin 12-Speed Chain 126 links With PowerLock, Silver/Gray. GX Eagle shares a lot of the … The Eagle NX drivetrain is designed for Shimano HG hubs and has an 11-50 cassette 455% range. There is a single chainring, no front derailleur, and both use 10 … Premier bikes, bicycle wheels, components, cycling clothing, gear & accessories. So you want to make sure you buy the right cassette for your hubs. The result is a cassette that is lightweight and strong. The last dangling shred of an argument in favor of a mountain bike front derailleur is now officially dead. If you’re interested in an XX1 Eagle drivetrain, we have a limited supply of discounted drivetrains available at 17% below retail price..

Take a quick look at the X-DOME™ Eagle™ cassette. The open design similar to SRAM’s X-Dome cassette aids in mud clearance, giving you cleaner shifting performance and longer component life. It’s designed to be lightweight, reliable and suitable for all trail types. SRAM’s GX Eagle drivetrain has 12-speed and a lot of performance for the money.

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