His Playing, his voice, and the tightness of the band is spot on.

As a life long fan of Gary Moore, Let me say Live at Montreux 2010 is one of Gary's finest performances. Image 1 of 2 . Image 1 of 2. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Blues Alive - Gary Moore on AllMusic - 1992 A Different Beat is the twelfth solo studio album by Irish guitarist Gary Moore, released in 1999.Much like his previous effort, Dark Days in Paradise, the album saw Moore exploring a new direction, in this case combining his signature guitar work with contemporary dance beats. Relieved from the pressures of having to record a hit single, Gary Moore cuts loose on some blues standards as well as some newer material. Former Thin Lizzy guitarist Gary Moore died after drinking enough alcohol to put himself nearly five times over the drink-drive limit, tests have shown. Moore plays better than ever, spitting out an endless stream of fiery licks that are both technically impressive and soulful. Gary Moore – Emerald Aisles, (1984) Gary Moore – Live at Isstadion Stockholm: Wild Frontier Tour, (1987) Gary Moore – The Video Singles (1987) Gary Moore – Live in Belfast: After the War Tour, (1989) "An Evening of the Blues" with Gary Moore & Midnight Blues Band – featuring Albert Collins & Albert King (1990) Gary Moore and B.B. Rock legend Gary Moore died after an alcohol binge that would have put him nearly five times over the drink-drive limit, tests have revealed. Live at Monsters of Rock ; Gary Moore & The Midnight Blues - Live at Montreux 1990 ; Gary Moore & The Midnight Blues Band – Live at Montreux 1990 (2005) Gary Moore and Friends: One Night in Dublin - A Tribute to Phil Lynott ; The Definitive Montreux Collection - Montreux live …
The proof is in the pudding, watch and listen to the audience you can see it in their faces and hear it in their voices. It's no wonder Still Got the Blues … Track listing

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