USB C Hub, 9-in-1 USB C Adapter with 4K USB C to HDMI,VGA, USB C Charging, 2 USB 3.0, SD/TF Card Reader, USB C to 3.5mm, Gigabit Ethernet, USB C Dock Compatible Apple MacBook Pro 13/15 (Thunderbolt 3) Ranking der besten Usb-c ethernet adapter apple. Apple Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) to Thunderbolt 2 Adapter. Price Match … Harness the reliability of Ethernet for your USB-C device with the USB-C to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter. Video abspielen. TP-LINK UE330 USB 3.0 3-Port Hub & Gigabit Ethernet Adapter. Der 4K-fähige HDMI-Port überträgt das Bild, während Zubehör per USB-3.1-Port Anschluss findet. For now, you’ll still need a USB-C hub, and the best one out there is the Satechi Aluminum Multi-Port Adapter …

Get it as soon as Wed, May 27. Der Apple USB Ethernet Adapter ist ein einteiliger externer Adapter, der an den USB 2.0 Anschluss Ihres MacBook Air angeschlossen wird, um 10/100BASE-T Leistung bereitzustellen Verbinden Sie dann Ihr Ethernet-Kabel mit dem RJ-45-Anschluss des Adapters - ein externes Netzteil ist nicht erforderlich While this power adapter is compatible with any USB-C-enabled device, Apple recommends pairing it with your 15-inch MacBook Pro with Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) ports for optimal charging performance. Dank USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter schließen Sie Monitore und Co. in wenigen Sekunden an Ihr Apple-Notebook an. I have a 2016 Macbook Pro with Touch ID, and recently I purchased a generic USB type C adapter to USB 3.0 and Ethernet ports. Mwst. Buy online now from A driver CD enables simple installation. Easily connect peripherals to your home or office network with this Insignia™ NS-PU98505 adapter that offers a reliable link between a USB 2.0 port and your 10 Mbps Ethernet network. 4.4 out of 5 stars 814. 35,-inkl. Und via USB-C-Passthrough-Eingang versorgt das USB-C … Die folgenden Mac-Modelle besitzen Thunderbolt (USB-C)-Anschlüsse, die mit diesem Adapter kompatibel sind: iMac Pro; iMac-Modelle aus dem Jahr 2017; MacBook Pro-Modelle aus dem Jahr 2016 oder neuer Where wireless connectivity is inconsistent, overextended, or even non-existent, this adapter allows you to connect seamlessly and with confidence. See all USB Cables & Hubs. Simply plug one end to a Gigabit Ethernet cable and the USB-C end to your new MacBook or compatible USB-C ready device and you’re ready for the world wide web. Mit dem Apple USB-C-auf-USB-Adapter verbinden Sie einen Mac oder ein anderes Gerät mit einem Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C)- oder USB-C-Anschluss mit einem Gerät, das ein USB-A-Kabel benötigt..

$49.00 $ 49. LPSS Serial Adapter (2) LSPP Serial Adapter (1) I have a USB-C to Ethernet adapter, plugged in with an ethernet cable, but no option.

4.7 out of 5 stars 358. 00.

USB-C auf Digital-AV. More Buying Choices $42.72 (16 used & new offers) QGeeM USB C to Ethernet Adapter,Type C Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Cable,Thunderbolt 3 to RJ45 LAN Converter Adapter Compatible with MacBook Pro, RJ45 to USB C Adapter. RELIABILITY MEETS SPEED. If you have an Apple TV connected to your TV, projector, or other display, you can use AirPlay to wirelessly stream video to that display, or extend the desktop of … The USB-C to Ethernet option is there, and she can use ethernet. You can use your USB-C Power Adapter and charge cable with any Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) or USB-C port on your MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, or iPad Pro. zzgl. For shipping to the United Kingdom visit this page Apple USB Ethernet Adapter. I can plug it into a colleague's identical MacBook and there's no problem. Our Gigabit Ethernet Adapter is small, compact and ready to go right out of the box without needing to install a driver.

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