(more formal) At the end of a meeting, use the past tense: 'It was very nice to meet you too.'.

'It's been a great pleasure, meeting you at last.'. or 'The pleasure is all mine.' Improve your English and try our online English lessons for free. the pleasure is all mine: I am the one who is pleased, happy. '.

or 'It was a pleasure to meet you too.'. English Vocabulary tips & definition with Gymglish. Sometimes people say 'The pleasure is all mine.' or 'The pleasure was all mine. "The pleasure is all mine" is a nice answer when someone is right before you and says "Nice to meet you!".

'The pleasure is [or was] ['all'] mine. B: The pleasure is mine.

It does not work so well with a future event like the one you mention.

Could you please tell me what B means? It means more than that!

People usually say 'The pleasure is mine' in response to someone else mentioning 'pleasure'. "The pleasure is all mine" is a polite and gracious response that can be used when the other person indicates pleasure.


「The pleasure is mine」「The pleasure is all mine」は直訳すると、「その喜びはわたしのものです」となります。 「the pleaure」は「the」がついているので、話し手と聞き手の「共通の」喜びを指していて、それは「お互いが会ったこと」に対する「共通の喜び」ということになります。 「nice to meet you」の直訳は「会えて嬉しいです」で、それに対して「The pleasure is mine.」は「その喜び」は「共通 … Does he want to say "It is a pleasure to meet you, too."

There I think "I am looking forward to seeing you too" is the best ways to go.

The pleasure is all mine.

A: It is a pleasure to meet you. "The pleasure will be all mine" sounds slightly overdone.

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