by Mell on MIRAGE. Fascination by Mell on MIRAGE.

“Red fraction IO drive mix” by MELL. 5:00 Not Available Fascination. 5:01 【BLACK LAGOON】Red Fraction / MELL (Full Size)【DM remix Ver.1.5】 by DigitalMode39. "This Moment: Prayer in the Light" by Minako "mooki" Obata is used as the closing theme in the final episode.

Yunomi & nicamoq – インドア系ならトラックメイカー by AiroMusic. by Mell on MIRAGE. A Cold Wind in My Mind 07.

“When Johnny Comes Marching Home” by EDISON is a … Треклист Black Lagoon Original Soundtrack01. Red fraction -IO drive mix-個人的に、 砂漠の雪→Proof→Teleportation guy→Love illsionの曲の流れがとても綺麗で、 MELLさんの訴える愛の一部を垣間見れたような気がして嬉しかったです。 Red fraction -IO drive mix- by 手虎. Red fraction Opening version 02. 1 Red fraction IO drive mix (Short version) 2 Deadly Weapon. 6 Memories of Venezuela. 05. Samara Samanda 06.

Make A B Watch the video for Red fraction -IO drive mix- from Mell's MIRAGE for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Red fraction -IO drive mix-by Mell on MIRAGE.

The two ending themes were rather forgettable. OPは MELL の Red fraction 。1期2期ともに同曲をOPテーマとし、2010年発売のアニメ3期のOVA「BLACK LAGOON Roberta's Blood Trail」では「Red fraction -IO drive mix-」というバージョンがOPテーマとして使われたそうです。 The OVA used a remixed version from the TV opening theme. ああ、「歌にもある」って、まんまred fractionのことだったのか…! 12 ななしのよっしん 2010/06/06(日) 08:47:40 ID: lAK6XxhrPe All Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail openings and endings in hight quality 3 Dizzy Maniac. Twenty six years later Roberta sees Garcia’s father off as he prepares to give a speech, however he is assassinated when a bomb goes off signaled by Caxton in an operation to silence his political views.

Asian Comfort 04. Mell - Red fraction -IO drive mix- Lyrics. I have a big gun I took it from my lord Sleep with justice I just wanna feel you I'm your angel Only a ring away You make me violate you No 13. "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" by Edison is used as closing theme for episodes 25 through 28. 4 Sneak Attack. Tear Drops to Earth 03.


3:18 [Alexandros] - ワタリドリ (MV)

7 Roberta's Last Moment. It was later adapted into an anime television series by Madhouse, that aired from April to June 2006 for twelve episodes. MY PRECIOUS by Mell on MIRAGE. 4:59 Not Available MY PRECIOUS. Don't Stop! Opening OP Red Fraction IO Drive mix from Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail. Black Lagoon (Japanese: ブラック・ラグーン, Hepburn: Burakku Ragūn) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rei Hiroe.It has been published in Shogakukan's Monthly Sunday Gene-X since 2002, and eleven collected volumes have been released so far. 9 This moment ~prayer in the light~ [3rd ALBUM]Entrust ~the name of MELL~ “Red fraction IO drive mix” by MELL is just as catchy as the TV version, just slightly different. The last five episodes use "Red Fraction IO Drive mix" by Mell as opening theme.

Red fraction -IO drive mix-by Mell on MIRAGE. MELL - Red fraction IO drive mix.osz をダウンロードするには、ダウンロードパスワードの認証が必要です。 ダウンロードするファイルをお確かめください。

5 Chinese Room. 8 When Johnny Comes Marching Home. TV动画前两季1-23话使用原版「Red fraction」作为片头曲,第24话未使用。第三季OVA使用重编曲版「Red fraction -IO drive mix-」作为片头曲。 歌词全为英文,由MELL本人写就。同名单曲《Red fraction》于2006年6月14日发售,为MELL的出道单曲。 歌曲 MELL - Red fraction IO drive mix.osz をダウンロードするには、ダウンロードパスワードの認証が必要です。 ダウンロードするファイルをお確かめください。

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