Hold down power for 1 second then also hold Right Shift, Left Control and Left Option for 8 total seconds then let go. Some MacBook Pro users have complained that pressing the Command + F2 button does not switch the display. When the Target Mac is booted into DFU mode correctly, the host will show a big DFU icon in Apple Configurator 2. Until recently, you enabled Target Disk Mode by connecting two Macs together via FireWire.

Any Mac with a FireWire or Thunderbolt port can be started up in Target Disk Mode. DFU T2 Booting Instructions – Make sure the Mac is OFF.

To use Target Display Mode, you just need to connect a supported MacBook to a proper iMac via a Thunderbolt cable or a Mini DisplayPort cable and press Command-F2. Target Display Mode enables a MacBook with a Mini DisplayPort or Thunderbolt port to use iMac as a second monitor so that you have a bigger display for work, movies, or games. Target Disk Mode is a feature that allows a Mac to act as an external hard drive. As mentioned, Target Disk Mode lets your Mac be used as an external hard disk connected to another Mac. 8. Whilst the iMac is in Target Display Mode, displaying the video received from the Mac mini, you will still need to use the iMac keyboard to perform these functions. The problem was solved by using an older keyboard and mouse to put the mini into target mode. Easy Peasy. After you see the DFU picture pop up on the Host Mac you can let go of the keys. Once the computer is in Target Disk Mode and available as an external volume to the host Mac, you can copy files to or from that volume. With Target Disk Mode, you can use a recent Mac to access the main internal hard disk in another recent Apple machine without having to crack a case or turn a screw. So to summarize, the Core duo mac mini could not be put into target mode with the new wired aluminum keyboard and mouse that came with the new 20" imac, even thought the mac mini had been fully updated with os 10.4.10 and the latest firmware and the latest keyboard update. Although this is not a critical system, it is nonetheless troublesome, particularly for graphic designers, web developers, video editors, and other users who rely on bigger displays for their work. But some users have reported Target Display Mode not working on MacBook Pro.

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