Choose from chrome's about pages, *NewTab, Extensions, Downloads, History*, a few popular URLs, or provide your own. New Tab can also be affected. Try entering a web address you want to search for but not visit on the default home page and you'll see why it's so necessary to have an addon like this, especially if it's a malicious link you're trying to investigate. Your custom tab can also be a local file, allowing you to create your own new tab page. Your custom tab can also be a local file, allowing you to create your own new tab page. Allows you to change the new tab page to the New Tab Redirect app page, or a custom URL of your choice! Your custom tab can also be a local file, allowing you to create your own new tab page. Click “Add to Chrome” to install the extension. Choose from chrome's about pages, *NewTab, Extensions, Downloads, History*, a few popular URLs, or provide your own.

However, this is handled by Chrome itself and can not be modified via the extension. Choose from chrome's about pages, *NewTab, Extensions, Downloads, History*, a few popular URLs, or provide your own.

Allows you to change the new tab page to the New Tab Redirect app page, or a custom URL of your choice!

Functional alternative to new tab redirect.

I've tested version 1.0.1 of New Tab Redirect!

Saving blank text will cause your new tab … In fact, Google Chrome redirect is not the only issue on a malware-infected system.

Sets a custom URL to load in new tabs. across numerous developer builds, and the cursor only occasionally ends at the end of the omnibar. Click “Add to Chrome” to install the extension. After you allow extensions from other stores, head on over to the Chrome Web Store for an extension called New Tab Redirect. Install, type in homepage and loads the specified address instead of the horrendous chrome home page every time you open a new tab. When Google Chrome home page or new tab keeps on redirecting to various web sites, it means that some sort of malware is residing on the computer. As soon as Chrome offers this functionality, I will implement it.

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