Buy Return To Forever - Sometime Ago from Amazon's Movies Store. Chick Corea - Return To Forever, German release with additional cat# and different runouts Chick Corea - Return To Forever, original German release without label code on back cover Chick Corea - Return To Forever, Spanish release Chick, behind the electric keyboard, leads a brand-new band through four of his compositions, all of them now classics.

Return to Forever is one the defining jazz albums of all time. Chick Corea: One of the most creatively restless and indefatigably imaginative artists in jazz, Chick Corea defies categorization. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Stream Sometime Ago/La Fiesta (Return to Forever) by chickcorea from desktop or your mobile device Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. 90K likes. Even after his stint with Miles Davis, and his increasingly inventive solo albums, nothing could have prepared listeners for the jaw-dropping beauty of this album. 1 year ago This is my favorite Return to Forever albums, and one of my favorite fusion albums in general. I'm generally not that big of a fan of the smoother side of fusion (or jazz in general really), but everything works so well on this album that I love it here. He’s a musical omnivore. Song information for Sometime Ago-La Fiesta - Stanley Clarke, Chick Corea, Joe Farrell, Flora Purim, Return to Forever on AllMusic Return To Forever. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Return To Forever - Sometime Ago at

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