Who needs a special occasion to bake a pan of fudgy brownies or a double batch of chocolate chip cookies? If you're looking for something sweet, try this easy-to-use dessert guide. From classic cakes and homemade pies to old-fashioned cookies and candy, memories of Grandma’s kitchen make these the best dessert recipes ever. Where does the phrase just deserts come from? Taste of Home is America's #1 cooking magazine. Featuring 3-ingredient Strawberry Icebox Cake, 3-ingredient Cookies & Ice Cream Pie, 3-ingredient Peanut Butter Cups and 3-ingredient Chocolate Cereal Treats Desserts are one of Betty Crocker’s claims to fame, and with kitchen-tested recipes for everything from layer cakes to apple pies—including both … sweet food, often served as the last course of a meal: I’ll have my dessert first. We have tons of dessert recipes with pictures that will make your mouth water. dessert synonyms, dessert pronunciation, dessert translation, English dictionary definition of dessert. Dessert definition is - a usually sweet course or dish (as of pastry or ice cream) usually served at the end of a meal. Define dessert. How to use dessert in a sentence.

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